Saturday, November 27, 2010

Weekly Link #2 - Double Edge Theatre

The Double Edge Theatre is an experimental theatre company founded in Boston about 25 years ago. though they are now located in the Berkshires (Ashfield, MA). New England Conservatory Alum Scott Halligan (M.M 08) is the music director.

In addition to productions that get adjusted for years, they do outreach performances, and offer workshops and camps of various lengths that are open to the community.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Inter-NEC at BU - Triiibe Installation

Look for Inter-NEC at 808 Commonwealth Avenue (a big gallery at Boston University) - Dates TBA. We'll be participating in a installation currently being built there by Triiibe - a group of performance artists and photographers that formed in 2006. The installation is called In Search of Eden - A Work in Progress. Triibe's website is here:

We will play at the installation two or three times with various musicians, and will let you know exactly when that will be!

Recent/Upcoming events

Our most recent concert (11/20 - video below) went really well. I think there was a sense of unity from piece to piece - a great flow. The concerts we're doing up until next semester will be in a recital format, but I think there's fluid quality to this that you don't get in your standard chamber or new music event. This is definitely one of our goals.

There were four soloists, one duo, and two larger ensembles. One of the groups is an improvisation ensemble from NEC, and the other was made up of students from NEC, Longy, and Bridgewater State. We played a graphic score which was made by Nathaniel Karahalis (Longy M.M 2012). We're working on creating a large ensemble to play open-instrumentation pieces, graphic scores, and original music which has been sent to us (more info on a call for scores will be upcoming). We'll be playing on almost every concert next semester.

Our next concert will be on December 12th at NEC (room G01 - 241 St. Botolph St.) - 8pm. Info on artists TBA.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

Early on

Here are some pictures from events that I (&/or others) put together that really got the ball rolling. Mo Now, here we are in 2010 going on 2011 with some really cool things lining up for our future!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Weekly Link #1 - Princeton Laptop Orchestra (PlOrk)

The Princeton Laptop Orchestra (or PlOrk) is an ensemble at Princeton University whose members come from a variety of majors at the school. The students are united by an interest in music and/or technology, which allows them to collaborate using laptops and other electronic devices that are programmed to function as musical instruments:

Inter-NEC & the Inter-Collegiate Collaboration Forum

Hi Folks,

This is the blog of Inter-NEC, and our Inter-Collegiate Collaboration Forum. Inter-NEC is a group of students, faculty, and Alumni from the New England Conservatory in Boston who are dedicated to cross-departmental collaborations and events. We started a concert series with this name last year, and we've recently received a grant from NEC to expand beyond the school. We are starting a forum so that Boston-Area college students, faculty, and alums can brainstorm on how to build new collaborations, and give us ideas for events and concerts they'd like to see happen.

This forum currently exists through Gmail, Facebook, and Google Groups, though a website will be in the works - our current email is

Our events in the spring will take place at the following schools and venues:

New England Conservatory
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Longy School of Music
The Theatre at the Cambridge YMCA

If you have any thoughts or ideas, feel free to email us! We'll get in touch with you about your idea, and send you contact info for others who can help bring it to life. Every week, we'll post some of these ideas you send, and also share links of potential models, or generally interesting projects we see other people doing around the country.

The next Inter-NEC event takes place on Saturday, November 20th at St. John's Church in Jamaica Plain. A flyer for the event is attached to this post. We hope to hear from you soon!

Jason Belcher - Inter-NEC founder