Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Recent/Upcoming events

Our most recent concert (11/20 - video below) went really well. I think there was a sense of unity from piece to piece - a great flow. The concerts we're doing up until next semester will be in a recital format, but I think there's fluid quality to this that you don't get in your standard chamber or new music event. This is definitely one of our goals.

There were four soloists, one duo, and two larger ensembles. One of the groups is an improvisation ensemble from NEC, and the other was made up of students from NEC, Longy, and Bridgewater State. We played a graphic score which was made by Nathaniel Karahalis (Longy M.M 2012). We're working on creating a large ensemble to play open-instrumentation pieces, graphic scores, and original music which has been sent to us (more info on a call for scores will be upcoming). We'll be playing on almost every concert next semester.

Our next concert will be on December 12th at NEC (room G01 - 241 St. Botolph St.) - 8pm. Info on artists TBA.

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