Since the installation, I've become a regular at the Utrecht art supply store on the corner of Huntington and Massachusetts Avenue. This in part due to my recent experiments in creating my own staff paper (using a 5-toothed pen and ink), but it's also a great way to talk to folks who are working in the visual art world.
Most of the people who work at Utrecht are artists themselves, and I was introduced to one of them before the installation by Ryan Krause (another musician, who gave me the idea to have the Sol LeWitt drawings be part of the 3/1 show). Her name is Hannah Rossi, and we projected some of her animations during the performance. The programs animators use allow them to loop what they are working on, and this feature comes in handy when dealing with music. Hannah's animations, along with the music of Kaz George, Ben Stepner, and RA RA RU ended up closing the event.
Recently, we've been workshopping ideas on how to pair music with animated loops, or live performance, and I like what we're coming up with. We'll be showing some of these works at a Tsunami Benefit concert in JP on March 31st (more info on that very soon), and are planning some kind of event to take place over the summer with (and for) whoever is still here!
In other news, Inter-NEC is planning a concert dedicated to the music of Steve Lacy that will take place at NEC on May 5th. The Steve Lacy project is in need of its own blog post, which will be finished shortly, but do mark your calendars in advance!
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